Tel. +385 (40) 328 522, Športska 5, Čakovec

Obavijest Univerze v Ljubljani

Petak, 25. veljače 2022.

We would like to invite you and your students to join the University of Ljubljana online Q & A session, which will be held on 2 March 2022 at 3 pm CET in English. During the event, we will be available for any advice or help with the application-admission procedure for undergraduate study and recognition of foreign secondary education. If you or your students wish to attend the event, please REGISTER HERE. Before the event, you can watch our video presentations and learn more about the study opportunities at the University of Ljubljana. You are also welcome to join us at the Virtual Fair of Education »Na koji ćeš faks« and visit our virtual booths, where all the University of Ljubljana members (3 academies and 23 faculties) are represented.

Application for bachelor and single-cycle master studies has already opened on 15 February 2022. Candidates have to submit the application for enrolment and recognition of foreign education through the eVŠ web portal (links to application periods and the timeline for admission and recognition procedure). Information about offered degree programmes, data on study duration, enrolment requirements, the number of available slots, mode of study, etc. is published in the Call for enrolment. To help you with the application-admission procedure for undergraduate studies we have prepared instructions which are attached to this letter and published here.

Please note, that students do not need the service of agents and agencies for applying to the University of Ljubljana degree programs. Recently we’ve been spotting some misuse of the name University of Ljubljana and data regarding application and admission procedure from some recruitment agents and agencies (more information).


Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the below-listed email addresses:

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